Privacy Policy
1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- With respect to the handling of personal information, the Company respects social ethics and complies with Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan and other applicable laws and regulations.
2. Collection of Personal Information
- The Company collects personal information in a fair and lawful manner, after specifying the purpose(s) for which such information will be used.
- When entrusted by other enterprises with the handling of personal information, the Company will pay close attention, and not impair the social confidence of our customers including suppliers (hereafter, "customers").
3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
- The Company handles the personal information it collects within the scope of the following purposes while carrying out its business activities, including the provision of products, parts, technologies, services, etc. (hereafter "Products").
(1)Customers’ personal information:
① Delivery of, management of, and payments for Products
(2) Personal information of applicants for employment:
② Responding to various opinions, requests, and inquiries from customers
③ Provision of information, notifications, and contacts by and from the Company
④ Information on exhibitions, events, lectures, campaigns, etc., related to Products
⑤ Exercise of rights and/or performance of obligations in accordance with laws, regulations, and contractual agreements
① Selection / recruitment of applicants
(3) Other
② Various communications with applicants
Responses to various inquiries
4. Sharing of Personal Information
- The Company may share personal information as follows:
(1) Items to be shared:
Information provided by the customer(s), such as personal name, company name, address, division, telephone number, fax number, email address, and information related to the customer’s use of NISSHA Group’s website(s)
(2) Scope of sharing:
Nissha Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and foreign countries
(3) Purpose of sharing:
Within the purpose described in “(1) Customers’ personal information” in section "3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information"
(4) Manager responsible for sharing:
Nissha Co., Ltd. (Location: 3 Mibu Hanaicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto)
5. Outsourcing
- The Company may outsource part or all of the work related to the handling of personal information, to the extent necessary to carry out the business activities of The Company. In such cases, after proper selection of a subcontractor and conclusion of a contract, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the relevant subcontractor on a regular basis.
6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
- The Company shall not provide personal information to any third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the relevant individual(s), except in the following cases:
(1) When required by laws and regulations
(2) When necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property,and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant individual(s)
(3) When particularly necessary to improve public health and promote the sound development of children,and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant individual(s)
(4) Where it is necessary to cooperate with national institutions, local public entities,
or a person entrusted by such institutions or entities, in carrying out affairs required by laws and regulations, and where the execution of such affairs may be hindered if consent of the relevant individual(s) is obtained
(5) In situations where personal information is provided to third parties based on sharing, outsourcing, and business succession.
7. Management of Personal Information
- The Company preserves the accuracy of personal information and ensures the safe management thereof.
- The Company takes adequate security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc., in order to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and/or leakage of personal information.
8. Requests for Disclosure, Correction, Cessation of Use, and Deletion, etc., of Personal Information
- If an individual makes a request for disclosure, correction, cessation of use, and/or deletion, etc., of his/her own information in the possession of the Company, the Company acknowledges that the relevant person (or the agent for such person) has the right to make the request, and will respond to the request properly, in compliance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
9. Cookies
- This website (the Company’s website) uses “cookies” (i.e., files that are saved on the user’s device when a user browses this site). The Company uses the information obtained through cookies to analyze the uses of this website, to provide information, and to deliver advertisements that are in line with the interests and concerns of users. Users may choose not to allow cookies, but in such cases, certain features of the website may be restricted.
10. Organization and System
- The Company appoints a personal information administrator to implement adequate controls over personal information, in compliance with necessary organizational rules, system policies, and internal rules.
- The Company offers training to its officials and employees with regard to methods for the protection and appropriate management of personal information, to ensure that they handle personal information properly during their daily activities.
11. Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
- For inquiries regarding this policy or the handling of personal information, please contact the address below:
Nissha FIS, Inc. N. Satou, Senior Manager of General Affairs
Email address: