

CORPORATE IDENTITYNissha FIS aims to develop high quality gas sensors for innovative technology in the future


Nissha FIS is established and operates based on the following objectives: principle, fundamental rule and practical ethics.

  1. To create a safe and comfortable environment, to protect human lives and natural resources on the Earth.
  2. To create more advanced products with the development of innovative technologies, creativity and persistent efforts.
  3. To consistently put in our best efforts to produce products of the best quality.
  4. To establish a working environment in which the company's staff have the chance to display their full abilities, with strong respect for everyone's talent, personality and independency.

Nissha FIS will do its best to respond to the market's requirements with strong conviction and sense of dedication.

Business Contents

We develop, design, produce, and sell gas sensors (mainly semiconductor type) and its applied products.

  • Development and design
    • Gas sensor (raw material production, micromachining, equipment design)
    • Applied products (structure design, control circuit design, software development)
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Maintenance


Name Nissha FIS, Inc.
Established November 20, 1992
Capital 320,200,000 Japanese Yen
Parent company Nissha Co., Ltd.(100%)
CEO Kanako Oshita

2-4-28 Tagawa, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0027, Japan
Tel:+81-6-7176-3910 / Fax:+81-6-7176-3912


Production capacity 12,000,000 pieces per year (gas sensors)
Company profile [2.3MB]

Environment certification

Nissha FIS has been certified for ISO 14001:2015 and JIS Q 14001:2015.

Environment Policy

Nissha Group, as a member of the global society, aim for business development and the realization of a sustainable society through environmentally conscious corporate activities.

Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board, President and CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.

The Environment Principles

  1. We shall honor environmental laws, agreements with local communities, and demands from our customers.
  2. We shall promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through working to improve energy efficiency, etc. in order to deal with climate change risks.
  3. We shall aim to construct a recycling society through our business activities, from product development and production to sale, etc., reducing the environmental impact of our supply chain overall.
  4. We shall construct a management system and promote continuous improvements to suit changes in the business environment.
  5. We shall value biodiversity and prevent pollution while co-existing with nature.
Daisuke Inoue
Director of the Board, Senior Executive Vice President, General Affairs
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Established on April 1, 2012
Revised on May 1, 2022

Quality certification

Nissha FIS has been certified for ISO 9001:2015 and JIS Q 9001:2015.
ISO9001 certificate
ISO9001 certificate

Quality policy

  1. We pursue to harmonize environmental air and water sensing technology with its application technology, enhance planning ability and system technology, then contribute to society by providing products creating a safe and comfortable environment.
  2. We supply products exactly meeting our customer's needs, increase “customer satisfaction”, then proceed with continuous improvement for effectiveness of Quality Management System (QMS).
  3. We strongly emphasize education and training to enhance ability, personality, and independence of all the Nissha FIS staff, which will lead to a stable supply of high quality products.

Plans to achieve quality target

  1. Increasing product items and customers
  2. Promoting process improvement
  3. Enhancing productivity

We observe the laws and required rules related to Quality Management System (QMS), establish a quality target being technically and financially possible in order to achieve a fundamental quality plan, through continuously reviewing and maintaining the validity of the plan.